Be watchful, stand firm in the faith,
act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Our Men’s Ministry exists to help men become the godly, servant leaders God intended them to be. Wherever you find yourself spiritually, we are there to help you take your next step with Jesus. We know men connecting with other men is important so we will have Bible Studies and cool events and retreats that men can relate to and enjoy. Jump in and see that we are men who love Jesus, and also men who love to have fun!
All men are invited to Board Game Night and Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, January 18, starting at 5 PM. This is a great opportunity for men of all ages to come together and enjoy a variety of games and good food. Either bring your best chili to compete for the title of 'Best Chili' or bring a side dish to share. Mark your calendars and prepare for a fun night!
33 The Series is a multi-volume, gospel-centered series that presents the timeless truths of Authentic Manhood in a powerfully new and engaging way. As a man experiences the different volumes of 33, he will find himself building a vision for Authentic Manhood in his own life that is built on the gospel of Jesus Christ and was modeled by Him in His 33 years on earth.
How to connect with other men
Men's Bible Studies
Each quarter we have Bible studies specifically for our men. These are studies designed by men and for men!
(Click our events page for current studies)
(Click our events page for current studies)
Events and Retreats
Each quarter we have at least one event or retreat just for the guys. Our events and retreats are meant to be a source of encouragement and support for men.
(Check our events page for upcoming opportunities)
(Check our events page for upcoming opportunities)