The mission of the church, according to Jesus, is to make disciples. A big part of discipleship is "to equip the saints for the work of ministry" (Ephesians 4:12). The Rock Bible Institute is designed to help equip our body of believers to more effectively love God and love others. Our goal is to see each follower of Jesus trained up and released for incredible Kingdom impact.

33 The Series is a multi-volume, gospel-centered series that presents the timeless truths of Authentic Manhood in a powerfully new and engaging way. As a man experiences the different volumes of 33, he will find himself building a vision for Authentic Manhood in his own life that is built on the gospel of Jesus Christ and was modeled by Him in His 33 years on earth.

The women's winter Bible study will begin soon! This session we will be studying 1, 2 & 3 John using Jen Wilkin's Abide study. Join us as we study verse by verse to find encouragement in the truths of God's Word. Together we will learn to discern the truth of God from a lie and be challenged to remain steadfast in our faith. The study begins Friday, January 24th or Thursday, January 30th.

When debt isn’t holding you back, nothing can stop you from living the life of your dreams. And here’s the good news: You can get there. You just need a plan that works.
That’s what you’ll learn in Financial Peace University. FPU is the nine-week class that teaches you step by step how to pay off debt fast and build wealth for your future. The next class begins February 16.