Come Follow Me Day 4

Day Four: A Faith Healer (Mark 1:21-28, 40-45)

Devotional: Something that fascinates both believers and unbelievers are the faith healers you see on tv. Some believe, some are skeptical. The reason there is skepticism by some is because of the accounts of “healers” who have had people in the crowd pretending to be healed. And for some, the skepticism has come from the outrageous amount of money these “healers” are making, and lifestyles that include numerous million dollar homes and private jets. At the very least, the appearance is that the healings and/or miracles (real or faked) are done for personal gain.

Whatever you may believe about these faith healers, there is no doubting that Jesus performed miracles and healings. And there is no doubt that they were not done for personal gain but for the good of others and the glory of God’s name. Whether it was the man who had a demon cast out of him or the man who was healed of leprosy, their lives were forever transformed.

Jesus is still in the miracle-working, healing business. As Mark 1 reminds us, He has authority of demons. There is no sickness, no spirit that can compete with the resurrection power of Jesus. Satan would soon see that, three years after these events, when Jesus conquered the grave! 

It might not be an evil spirit in us or leprosy on our body, but each of us still need the healing touch of the Savior. Perhaps it’s a miracle for a marriage on life support, victory over an addiction, freedom from unhealthy thoughts, or healing over sickness. The same Savior we read about in Mark 1 is the same Savior at work today. Do you believe?

Jesus does the work, our job is to pray and believe. And when God shows up and does His thing, we can “spread the news” (v. 45). What better witness can we be for the Savior then to simply share what great things God has done in our lives. And then step back and see what He does in the lives of those we tell!

Prayer: What miracle or healing do you need to see in your life or in the life of someone you love? Pray by faith today. And who’s someone who needs to hear about the resurrection power of Jesus? Pray for the opportunity to tell them.
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